Fact sheet: OKACOM looks at irrigation on the Cubango-Okavango Basin

In this leaflet, the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission takes a look at irrigation needs, challenges and opportunities in the Basin. Irrigated agriculture has the potential for much higher productivity than rain-fed agriculture in the dry lands, and ambitious water-use development plans could be of great economic benefit. There are a considerable number of proposals for large irrigated agriculture schemes, which represent employment and income possibilities in the Basin. However, their feasibility will depend on economic returns, the cost of infrastructure, the suitability of soils and the impacts of the schemes.

Full title: Fact sheet: OKACOM looks at irrigation on the Cubango-Okavango Basin
Basin: Cubango-Okavango
Document type: Fact sheet
Date produced: Undated
Produced by: OKACOM
CRIDF phase: CRIDF Phase 1
Length: 2 pages
File size: 2 MB
File type: PDF

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