Characterisation of regional ‘virtual water’ transfers: Phase II deliverables
This document provides detailed data on virtual water transfers into and out of CRIDF countries and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It combines three deliverables: the first two comprise a preliminary analysis of country-level data collected on time-averaged virtual water transfers. The third is a final activity report that includes a comprehensive database on virtual water and the values of agricultural products traded between the states of the Southern African Development Community and with the rest of the world, as well as a database of virtual water used in providing electrical outputs from thermal power stations in South Africa.
Full title: Characterisation of regional ‘virtual water’ transfers: Phase II deliverables
Kunene, Zambezi
Document type:
Date produced:
Produced by:
CRIDF phase:
CRIDF Phase 1
69 pages
File size:
5.4 MB
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