GESI toolkit: External checklist
CRIDF has developed a toolkit to guide its efforts to integrate gender into all stages of the project cycle, with an emphasis on the planning phase. It is informed by practical experiences in preparing water projects in the SADC region. The objective of the toolkit is to provide a simple resource and basic tools for people working on water infrastructure projects to incorporate gender equality considerations into their work.
This checklist can help relevant staff involved in project development and implementation to identify opportunities and requirements for incorporating gender into different phases of the project, to adjust the project to mitigate the potential to contribute to gender inequalities or even to decide not to move forward on a project.
The checklist provides suggestions of questions that can be used to carry out this assessment. A review of the checklist can help users develop the most appropriate questions and ensure that users do not overlook critical questions or areas that should be covered when undertaking field work.
Full title: GESI toolkit: External checklist
Document type:
Date produced:
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CRIDF phase:
CRIDF Phase 2
1 sheet
File size:
21 KB
File type:
Excel spreadsheet