Green Climate Fund concept note for the Southern Africa Water Security Programme
With this concept note, CRIDF applied to the Green Climate Fund to obtain financing for a Southern Africa Water Security Programme intended to increase climate resilience through improved water, food and energy security. The programme was planned to build on three of CRIDF’s existing transboundary projects in Zimbabwe and Mozambique, which are detailed in the note. These are the Supporting Climate Adaptation in the Save Basin Project, the Limpopo Climate Adaptation Project and the Buzi River Basin Small-scale Climate Resilience Fund. All three projects are seeking to build the climate resilience of vulnerable rural communities through community-based integrated water resources management and development.
Full title: Green Climate Fund concept note for the Southern Africa Water Security Programme
Document type:
Concept note
Date produced:
Produced by:
CRIDF phase:
CRIDF Phase 1
24 pages
File size:
850 KB
File type: