Outline business case for Kavango–Zambezi projects developing water infrastructure to improve livelihoods in Zambia
This report presents a preliminary assessment of five pilot project sites to be included in CRIDF’s Water Infrastructure for Livelihoods Intervention in the Kavango–Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area, Zambia. The projects aim to pilot a new approach to building resilience by providing small-scale irrigation and livestock watering in addition to securing a safe water supply for communities. The business case seeks to identify and address significant risks to successful implementation and ensure that economic and financial considerations are explicitly considered in the conception, design and development of the projects.
Full title: Outline business case for Kavango–Zambezi projects developing water infrastructure to improve livelihoods in Zambia
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CRIDF phase:
CRIDF Phase 1
35 pages
File size:
1.4 MB
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