This presentation discusses the development of a climate decision tool to assist in investment selection. It was produced for the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission’s Multi-Sector Investment Options Analysis National Feedback Event in Botswana in August 2016. The presentation outlines the drivers of climate vulnerability and variability,…
Year: 2016
File size: 502 KB
This presentation was delivered to the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission Secretariat and the World Bank to introduce the Climate Resilient Development Pathways (CRDP) approach. It details the problems faced by Southern Africa and the need for strategic planning to integrate climate resilience into development, and offers CRDP as a solution.…
Year: 2016
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This technical presentation is based on a paper prepared by Professor Jasper Knight which assesses the environmental impacts of different climate scenarios on the Cubango-Okavango Basin. The presentation was delivered at the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission’s 33rd meeting in November 2016. Impacts include changes to extreme climatic…
Year: 2016
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This PowerPoint presentation provides insight into the development of the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission from the planning and gestation phase (1994–2004) through the maturation phase (2007–2011) to the growth phase (2011 and onwards). The presentation also covers the development of a Basin-wide shared vision, and how the foundation,…
Year: 2016
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This news article from August 2016 discusses the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission’s (OKACOM) development over the preceding 21 years and how the Commission changed focus following a visioning process in 2014–2015. As a result of the visioning process, OKACOM began turning its scientific understanding into practical advice supporting…
Year: 2016
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This press release, produced by the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission (OKACOM) in August 2016 as part of their new communications strategy, introduces the Commission to readers who might be unfamiliar with its activities. The press release offers a short history of OKACOM and explains its vision and impact.…
Year: 2016
File size: 1.2 MB
This document offers background information on the Climate Resilient Development Pathways initiative and details the associated workplan. The document explains that the Pathways tool will take the form of a step-by-step guide to be used by river basin organisations at the point where development scenarios are being selected, to inform climate resilient…
Year: 2016
File size: 2.2 MB
CRIDF supported the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission in the development of a climate vulnerability index, which was afterwards incorporated into a Climate Resilient Development Pathways workplan. As part of this project, CRIDF worked with Professor Jasper Knight to develop a climate index that could be applied to the development scenarios…
Year: 2016
File size: 502 KB
This comprehensive presentation given to the Zambezi Watercourse Commission covers alignments between CRIDF’s work and the Southern African Development Community’s Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan. It outlines the Development Plan, CRIDF’s logframe and principles, and how these overlap in a vision for infrastructure development.…
Year: 2015
File size: 3.5 MB
These slides present a proposal for activities in Hwange District, Zimbabwe under the livelihoods framework of the Kavango–Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area. They summarise preparatory activities and sites in the District, proposed work at each site, environmental screening and arrangements for next steps.…
Year: 2015
File size: 1.4 MB