This report describes two water allocation models developed for the Umbeluzi Basin by ARA-Sul, in collaboration with Wetterskip Fryslân and FutureWater. A strategic model was designed to evaluate policies and their impact on water demands, supply and shortages, while an operational model was built to evaluate the impact of permits and licenses on the Pequenos…
Year: 2014
File size: 5 MB
This presentation gives a detailed description of a modelling platform chosen for application in the transboundary Save River Basin. The platform was originally adapted from a Canadian system and enhanced for Southern African conditions. It includes a Water Resource Yield Model and Water Resource Planning Model, both of which are described in the presentation…
Year: 2014
File size: 5.8
This presentation is an overview of CRIDF’s projects in four transboundary river basins: the Pungwe, Buzi and Save (collectively known as Pubusa) and Central Zambezi. It offers particular detail on the objectives and rationale for: CRIDF’s provision of technical assistance to the river basin organisation ARA-Centro; the CRIDF Climate Resilience Fund…
Year: 2014
File size: 5.4 MB
This final activity report documents the screening of five proposals for projects located within Swaziland, involving the Incomaputo and Umbeluzi River Basins. The activity was to conduct CRIDF Screen 1 assessments of those five proposals to determine their eligibility for CRIDF support. All five projects passed the Screen 1 Eligibility Assessment.…
Year: 2014
File size: 485 KB
Recognising the strategic benefits of expanding CRIDF’s involvement in the Maragra Smallholder Sugarcane Development Project, this report delivers the draft terms of reference and memorandum of understanding to define the new scope of work, beyond basic risk advisory services, to be agreed by all stakeholders.…
Year: 2014
File size: 1.2 MB
This PowerPoint presentation gives an overview of what it means to be a stakeholder, before delving into the details of determining who the stakeholders are, how to engage them and how to keep them organised. The presentation includes information on mobilising stakeholders and the instruments and incentives that may encourage participation. It discusses…
Year: 2014
File size: 5.4 MB
This presentation, from December 2014, gives an outline of CRIDF and how it identifies and develops small-scale water infrastructure projects in the Southern African Development Community. The presentation then describes the projects that are currently in the pipeline and the funding mechanisms CRIDF leverages to source investment.…
Year: 2014
File size: 2.6 MB
This PowerPoint presentation, produced for Africa Water Week 2014, offers an introduction to the organisation and goals of CRIDF. It gives an overview of three projects: Zambia Climate Change Adaptation Project Reducing drought and flood vulnerability through innovation – Mayana, Namibia Multi-sector project – Ruhuhu Valley, Tanzania…
Year: 2014
File size: 858 KB
This handbook is a comprehensive guide to CRIDF’s systems for collecting and interpreting data at all levels of programming. Thorough and consistent data collection allows for accountability in the use of funds, provides accurate information on which management decisions can be made, and forms a system of records of success and failures that can be used…
Year: 2014
File size: 342 KB
This book explores the Southern African Development Community context with respect to water, the economy, hydro-politics, development, energy and virtual water. The book includes a summary of the development of CRIDF’s Virtual Water Database and discusses key results around virtual water trade in agricultural products and electricity. It also postulates…
Year: 2014
File size: 10 MB