This document outlines CRIDF’s strategy for selecting, managing and implementing projects to address future challenges in Southern Africa, such as growing water demands and climate change. It explores the congruence between CRIDF’s logframe and the visions and goals of the Southern African Development Community. It also analyses how CRIDF can contribute…
Year: 2013
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This report covers a 2013 assessment mission to Bulawayo and Southern Matabeleland in Zimbabwe ahead of a proposed Matabeleland North and South Small Dam Project. Hosted by the ProAfrica Development Trust, the mission included two field trips to small dams in Matabeleland South, and meetings with community members as well as high-level officials including…
Year: 2013
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This short briefing note reports on meetings held regarding the water supply needs of the Zimbabwean city of Bulawayo. These meetings followed the dissemination of CRIDF’s Bulawayo Water Supply Options Analysis in 2013. The meetings were reported on by a World Bank consultant who managed the closing workshop of the World Bank Water Sector Investment Analysis…
Year: 2013
File size: 152 KB
This scoping assessment was conducted by CRIDF in response to a request from the Town Council of Rehoboth to upgrade the town’s sewage ponds so local domestic effluent could be reused for irrigation. The review assessed the possible transboundary and pro-poor benefits of such a project that might make it eligible for CRIDF support. The report describes the…
Year: 2013
File size: 519 KB
This scoping study for a water demand management project in Maseru, Lesotho briefly explores the potential benefits to both Lesotho and South Africa that could be gained by conserving water and engaging the clothing and textile industry in Maseru. It describes how an intervention focusing on reducing demand could result in improved pollution management…
Year: 2013
File size: 863 KB
This study describes an analysis to determine what the water and financial savings might be if water demand management (WDM) was implemented in 62 local authorities across South Africa. The analysis found that there are significant benefits for local authorities – with considerable savings in water and costs. The pro-poor benefits are also substantial,…
Year: 2013
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This document contains a list of 34 selected infrastructure projects across the energy, transport and water sectors. These projects are all contained in the Southern African Development Community’s Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan Short Term (2012–2017) Action Plan. Signed at the Southern African Development Community Summit in August…
Year: 2013
File size: 670 KB
This aide-mémoire provides details on several fundamental issues related to the interaction between the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission and its Member States in applying for resources from the Green Climate Fund. It presents contextual information on how a planned application by the Commission could complement the Fund’s allocations…
Year: 2013
File size: 299 KB
This report published by International Rivers presents an evaluation of the hydrological risk of hydro-dependent power systems in the face of climate change, using the Zambezi River Basin as a case study. The report discusses hydrological variability and uncertainty in the Basin, the impact of climate change on basin hydrology and hydropower, and the risks…
Year: 2012
File size: 2.9 MB
This document outlines the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission’s information and communication strategy from 2012. The Commission’s mandate and objectives depend on effective management of information and sharing of knowledge. This strategy is based on the concept of information as a driver of communications processes. A key goal is to transform…
Year: 2012
File size: 1.7 MB