This document contains a framework of the Value for Money (VfM) approach adopted by CRIDF. It is divided into three parts. Part I summarises the importance of the approach, its links with the CRIDF strategy, and how its measurement is intrinsic to the Monitoring and Evaluation framework and CRIDF decision-making. Part II contains an overview of the VfM strategic…
Year: Undated
File size: 580 KB
In preparation for a new phase of investment planning in the Cubango-Okavango River Basin, CRIDF developed Climate Resilient Development Pathways, a tool to help basin planners in the Southern African Development Community select between potential development trajectories. The Pathways project subjected selected hydrological infrastructure investment…
Year: Undated
File size: 471 KB
This case study leaflet details CRIDF’s exploration of transfrontier management solutions throughout the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area, which is home to over three million people. Such areas are being widely adopted in Southern Africa to ensure that key ecological processes continue to function where borders have divided ecosystems,…
Year: Undated
File size: 3.4 MB
This concept note provided guidance for the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission to submit an application to the Green Climate Fund, seeking to fund a programme of activities to improve livelihoods, water security and climate resilience for communities in the Cubango-Okavango River Basin. The note gives background on the Basin and Commission…
Year: Undated
File size: 168 KB
This easy-to-understand infographic was produced by OKACOM (the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission) to introduce its role. It is a versatile product that succinctly explains the aims and activities of the Commission, as well as its alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals. The infographic was displayed at Africa Water Week 2016 and…
Year: Undated
File size: 1.5 MB