Pathways to climate resilient livelihoods in the Kavango Zambezi Trans Frontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA)
This policy brief presents an economic and environmental argument for incorporating the population within the Kavango Zambezi Trans Frontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) region into the tourism value chain. It gives an overview of this project that aims to help KAZA communities develop agricultural products that can be sold into the tourism industry. It states what must be achieved for KAZA communities to successfully join the tourism value chain.
Full title: Pathways to climate resilient livelihoods in the Kavango Zambezi Trans Frontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA)
Cubango-Okavango, Zambezi
Document type:
Policy brief
Date produced:
Produced by:
CRIDF phase:
CRIDF Phase 1
4 pages
File size:
384 KB
File type: