Pathways to Impact: Living with wildlife: Better livelihoods in a transfrontier conservation area
The Pathways to Impact series highlights CRIDF’s long-term initiatives that have been proven to have a tangible impact on people’s lives.
Three million people live within the boundaries of the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) where they depend on natural resources, subsistence farming and tourism-related activities. In this area, human–wildlife conflict is a growing concern, perpetuated by the migration of people as well as animals, both of which go in pursuit of water and other resources during times of scarcity. Recognising the critical role of water in sustaining Kavango Zambezi’s (KAZA’s) iconic natural resource base and local livelihoods, the KAZA Secretariat enlisted the support of CRIDF to help communities derive benefits from wildlife tourism in a sustainable way. CRIDF drew upon its technical expertise while conducting community consultations and analysing data sets compiled during direct engagement with the tourism sector, to identify specific value chain partnerships in key tourism clusters in the KAZA TFCA that will improve livelihoods.
Full title: Pathways to Impact: Living with wildlife: Better livelihoods in a transfrontier conservation area
Cubango-Okavango, Zambezi
Document type:
Case study
Date produced:
Produced by:
CRIDF phase:
CRIDF Phase 2
4 pages
File size:
1.1 MB
File type: