ZAMCOM Poverty Vulnerability Mapping: Method, Vulnerability Zones, Hotspots and Typologies
Poverty vulnerability hotspot mapping assists River Basin Organisations with the identification of ‘hotspots’, where compounding socio-economic, environmental, political and climatic challenges affect the ability of communities to adapt or respond to shocks (both natural and man-made). In an effort to foster inclusive, sustainable growth in the Zambezi basin, it is critical to understand the predominant (and varying) causes behind these high levels of vulnerability – with a view to ensuring appropriate livelihood infrastructure interventions are identified, designed and implemented in response to specific, localised issues. This Annex presents insight into key identified hotspots in the Zambezi basin using localised spatial data as a basis.
Full title: ZAMCOM Poverty Vulnerability Mapping: Method, Vulnerability Zones, Hotspots and Typologies
Document type:
Assessment, Report, Research paper
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CRIDF phase:
66 pages
File size:
3.76 MB
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