This presentation describes how the Secretariat of the Kavango–Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area can develop a proposal to seek finance from the Green Climate Fund. It summarises the impacts of climate change in the area; a proposed Fund programme, and its objectives and methodology; next steps; and an approach to management shared between the Kavango–Zambezi…
Year: Undated
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The Expert Panel on Virtual Water was assembled to outline a CRIDF strategy for introducing virtual water and the water, food, energy and carbon nexus concept into Southern African Development Community regional and national policies and strategies. This book-length collection includes a report from the Expert Panel’s first workshop; a series of papers…
Year: Undated
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This is a link to an independent, non-profit news site that specialises in climate stories. The news items are open source and can be republished under a Creative Commons License.…
Year: Undated
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This page on the World Bank’s website links to information, data, resources and research collected through projects supported by the World Bank.…
Year: Undated
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This website is a repository for research on African affairs, including climate and water.…
Year: Undated
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The African Economic Outlook website links to the annual analysis conducted by the African Development Bank, the Development Centre at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the United Nations Development Programme. Comprehensive and comparable data and analyses of 54 African economies are provided, including: macroeconomic…
Year: Undated
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The Africa Infrastructure Knowledge Program (AIKP) builds on the Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) study, which grew out of the G8 Summit pledge to substantially increase official development assistance to Africa, particularly to the infrastructure sector. This website gives an overview of the history and objectives of this programme,…
Year: Undated
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This links to the resources available on the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) website. These resources include AMCOW’s publications as well as the Africa Water Atlas and a compendium of the African Water Resources Management Frameworks.…
Year: Undated
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The Governance and Legislation research group at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) explores the governance and political economy of transformations to low-carbon and climate resilient societies, including the implementation of the Paris Agreement. This website has an interactive map that is useful for looking at the climate…
Year: Undated
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This is the website for the Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group, an alliance of 150 global, regional and national knowledge brokers specialising in climate and development information.…
Year: Undated
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