This 13-page document outlines and explains the steps involved in financial closure of a CRIDF project.…
Year: Undated
File size: 384 KB
This presentation about integrated water resources management and stakeholder engagement was used in providing technical assistance to the Zimbabwe National Water Authority in the Save Basin. In the first half, it introduces the basic concept of water resources management and its history. The second half covers stakeholder analysis and participation,…
Year: Undated
File size: 6.3 MB
This case study leaflet describes CRIDF’s involvement in changing the approach to flood risk management and pro-poor climate resilience along the Incomati River in Mozambique. This new approach shares and manages flood risk more equitably between the public and private sectors, while reducing civil society’s vulnerability to flooding events.…
Year: Undated
File size: 409 KB
This abstract relates to a paper submitted to the Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition, which discusses some of Zambia’s approaches for reducing the vulnerability of small-scale farmers to the effects of climate change. Along with the abstract, a brief biography of CRIDF is provided.…
Year: Undated
File size: 129 KB
This case study describes CRIDF’s role in mobilising more than US$63 million in financing for the Nondvo Dam, which is critical to securing the water supply for Swaziland’s main cities of Mbabane and Manzini. CRIDF was asked by the African Water Facility to join a mission appraising the dam. This appraisal took place in May 2015, and estimated the cost of the…
Year: Undated
File size: 189 KB
This PowerPoint presentation, given at World Water Week, assesses the socio-economic costs and benefits of different flood risk management options, using the Lower Incomati River Basin as an example. The key point is that, in the example case, the best socio-economic solution is the one that shares both risks and benefits between the private sector sugar…
Year: Undated
File size: 1.2 MB
This PowerPoint presentation discusses mainstreaming climate change considerations into infrastructure planning through weaving the plan and project preparation cycle with the climate risk assessment process. Statistics around the costs of extreme weather are given: 78% of all disasters are climate related and 74% of all disaster costs are climate…
Year: Undated
File size: 1.1 MB
This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of climate change and makes the point that integrated water resources management can help progress targets set for meeting the challenges associated with climate change. The slides begin with a general summary of climate change: causes, contributions by sector, effects of global warming and the global…
Year: Undated
File size: 1 MB
This two-page fact sheet provides a sector-relevant snapshot of land use changes on the Cubango-Okavango Basin and their effects. Specific issues covered include sediment transport in predictions for the Cubango-Okavango River, as well as a case study on the progressive increase in the mosaic of croplands in different parts of the upper Cubango River from…
Year: Undated
File size: 1.6 MB
In this leaflet, the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission takes a look at irrigation needs, challenges and opportunities in the Basin. Irrigated agriculture has the potential for much higher productivity than rain-fed agriculture in the dry lands, and ambitious water-use development plans could be of great economic benefit. There are a considerable…
Year: Undated
File size: 2 MB