Mobilising finance to save lives in Southern Africa

In Southern Africa, there are not enough skilled individuals available locally to complete all aspects of water infrastructure projects. This lack of skill is compounded by hesitance from governments and national organisations to invest in projects that affect neighbouring countries’ water supplies. Finally, it is well recognised that building infrastructure to provide long-term solutions to access to water is a complex and expensive undertaking.
CRIDF’s technical programme areas work to improve the way that projects are planned, managed and implemented, and to ensure that projects benefit the poor, factor in climate change, and are brought to completion. The Mobilising Finance work stream, on the other hand, is focused on helping viable water projects capture the funds needed from governments and the private sector to bring them to completion.
Through Mobilising Finance, CRIDF will help viable projects in the region mobilise £55 million from the private sector, governments and development finance institutions, and will catalyse and influence the use of a further £465 million from a variety of sources.