The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is a government agency that coordinates Japan’s official development assistance (ODA) programme, implementing economic and social growth programmes in developing countries worldwide. This link takes you to their website, providing an overview of their work.…
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This page outlines the ways in which the African Development Bank Group provides non-lending instruments for economic growth in their regional member countries (RMCs). The Bank collaborates with other development partners to assist RMCs in building sustainable institutions through tailored training and technical assistance programmes. The Bank aims…
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This website lists countries and their eligibility to receive African Development Fund grants. Eligibility is based on a country’s risk of debt distress, as determined by the Joint World Bank–International Monetary Fund Debt Sustainability Framework for Low-Income Countries methodology.…
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This website outlines the five main channels the African Development Bank Group is using to deliver its work and improve the quality of growth in Africa. These are: infrastructure development; regional economic integration; private sector development; governance and accountability; and skills and technology.…
Year: Undated
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This document provides the forms to be completed by the CRIDF Project Management Unit and the project owner for the financial closure of a CRIDF project. The document includes screen 3a (CRIDF conditions of finance) and screen 3b (external funders’ conditions of finance).…
Year: Undated
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These assessment forms used in the second assessment stage re-confirm the information offered in stage 1 and provide a more detailed analysis of whether the project can be funded. The assessment tool contains further forms to be completed along with some guidance notes.…
Year: Undated
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These assessment forms are to be filled out for potential CRIDF projects. Forms included are: CRIDF eligibility, project information sheet and project dashboard. The information given in this form is used by the CRIDF Project Management Unit to assess the project.…
Year: Undated
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This Excel document provides the matrices for a detailed assessment of climate and water vulnerability in an area. The objective of working through this tool is to clearly document project impact to enable changes.…
Year: Undated
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This Excel document provides matrices for a high-level assessment of climate and water vulnerability in an area. This track begins with running the CRIDF climate vulnerability tool through to writing up the results of the climate change risk assessment.…
Year: Undated
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This map shows the transboundary river basins that are the focus of CRIDF’s work. For each basin, the cubic metres of water per person per year is given.…
Year: Undated
File size: 209 KB